Protective Warding Oil

Warding is the act or ritual of using something to protect or guard against Negative Forces. Over the years our customers have asked us for all manner of spiritual and metaphysical oils. The common theme of all these requests has been a desire to rid a dwelling of, or protect it from the influences of Negative Energy or Evil. There are mountains of old books and tomes of Folklore on specific oils for specific types of warding, but until now no one has brought them together in a single blend. Our Protective Warding Oil has been intensely researched and represents an all encompassing, multi-denominational formula. It contains a base of pure Holy Land Golden Jojoba and the following 100% pure essential oils and their properties: Cedar of Lebanon for its spiritual grounding and purification; Goldenrod (AKA Aaron Rod) which facilitates Divination and Holy Intercession; Kunzea which supports the Sacral and Heart Chakras to promote safety, balance and well being; Marjoram to bring peace to the departed; Caraway to protect children and the unborn from Evil; Camphor for its fire and aura cleansing; Fennel to prevent negative energy; Eucalyptus for crystalline protection and Violet Leaf to banish Evil for good. Anoint yourself with this oil for protection or add a few drops to distilled or Holy water, put in a spray bottle use as a Warding Spray for any areas of concern in the dwelling. Do not consume internally! 15 mL bottle with Apothecary dropper top.

Item # Description Price Quantity Option
C-888 Protective Warding Oil $12.95

Product Contains:EO of Cedar, Goldenrod, Kunzea, Caraway, Camphor, Fennel, Violet leaf, Golden Jojoba.