Palo Santo Sticks

Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens) AKA “The Holy Stick" is a tree native to South America and its wood, bark and oil have been used for thousands of years by indigenous people for pain, stress relief and as spiritual cleanser to wipe away negative energy. The tree wood has a deep scented resin that permeates its very fibers. When burned as an incense or “smudge” stick it gives off a earthy, spicy odor which native people prize for its shamanic properties. On the practical side of things, it smells good and is an excellent mosquito repellent when burned and is purported to help with flies, termites and deer ants. Our Pal Santo sticks are sustainably harvested from the wood of the Bursera graveolens tree and are lovingly spliced by hand into thick 4.25 inch sticks ready for combustion. To use, light one end of the stick and let it burn for about 30 seconds, then blow it out and set it in a ceramic or glass decorative dish and allow to smolder. Relight as needed. Package contains 3; 4.25” Palo Santo sticks.

Item # Description Price Quantity Option
C-512 Palo Santo Sticks $8.95

Product Contains:Palo Santo wood