E-316 - Cypress, Blue (Callitris intratropica)

Mixed into creams or lotions at a 2%-5% concentration, it makes an effective hand and body lotion. Known for moisturizing and soothing properties. Considered to be very similar to Blue Chamomile.

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No Cypress, Blue currently available.

Historical Folklore Application

Said to be a soothing and relaxing agent for the frazzled nerves but without sedative properties.

Botanical Name:Callitris intratropica

Also Known As:Australian Cypress

Where Grown:Australia

How Grown:Traditional

Plant Part Used:Steam distilled from plant wood.

Aroma:Green, Fresh, Spicy

Color:Pale Blue to Green


Perfume Note:Top

Blends With:Most wood oils

How Used:Mixed into creams or lotions at a 2%-5% concentration, it makes an effective hand and body lotion. Known for moisturizing and soothing properties. Considered to be very similar to Blue Chamomile.
