Cough and Bronchial Oral Spray

Liddell's Cough and Bronchial spray can make your day a little easier by working with your body's natural defenses to help reduce coughing and mucous buildup. Doctor formulated and recommended to relieve cough and bronchial symptoms, mucous, chest tightness, and soreness. Simply spray twice under the tongue three times daily. All natural active ingredients - Antmon tart., Arsenicum alb., Arsenicum iod., Arum trph., Baptista, Bryonia, Drosera, Kali brom., Lung suis, Merc corros, Sulfur iod., Urtica ur. Note: this product does contain 20% organic alcohol. -Oral Spray, fast action. -Easy, accurate dosing. -No known side effects. -No contraindications. -No drug interactions. -Doctor formulated. -Homeopathic.

Item # Description Price Quantity Option
C-826 Cough and Bronchial Oral Spray $15.95

Product Contains:Antimon tart 200C, Arsenicum alb 200C, Arsenicum iod 200C, Arum triph 30C, Baptisia 3X, Bryonia 200C, Drosera 30X, Echinacea 3X, Eupatorium perf 200C, Kali brom 6X, Lung Suis 6X, Merc corros 200C, Sticta 200C, Sulfur iod 200C, Urtica ur 200C. (Symptom relief for cough and bronchial congestion)